7 條關於 “香港之旅05 – Day 1: 繽紛冬日節” 的評論

  1. 有朋自遠方來, 不亦樂乎 :)
    香港之旅2004 – 你去過的,我好少去呀 ~~~
    香港之旅2005 – 我未去的, 你已經去左 !!!

  2. 歡迎呀, 朋友~ ^^
    影得一張咋?? 有冇噴射真雪呀? 今年未有時間入去睇添..

  3. I miss HK! Please sign on the Wish tree in Central for me. Two years ago, I made a wish on the tree, you know the one near the Pier, the wish is to study linguistics in the UK. This pic made me think of the wish tree. heheeheh…time flies.

  4. SWJ: 是新相機拍的

    Katy: 個聖誕老人係邊﹖﹖唔怕﹐我星期六會再去的。

    圓﹕嘻嘻~ 我係IFC留到三點幾﹐我仲稔會唔會咁岩遇到“朋友”….. 不過可惜無~


    史路比: 尋日岩岩買部相機﹐無乜電﹐所以唔敢影太多。

