One Person’s Fairy Tale


One Person's Fairy Tale-Miriam Yeung

曲: C.Y. Kong 詞: 黃偉文
Song: C.Y. Kong, Lyric: Wyman Wong

神像跌踤了 仍然是碎石吧
A broken statue is probably just a pile rocks.
人魚著陸後 大概得泡沫吧
A mermaid left the sea will probably turn into bubbles.
那陣時 還沒有戀愛過 才無知到真的信吧
Time before love, I was too naive to believe all those fairy tales are true.

誰亦不吻我 回頭又再睡吧
If no one wants to kiss me, I can just go back to sleep,
原型未敗露 就再等午夜吧
If I haven't changed back to who I was, I can still wait until midnight.
要是誰還是說不愛我 誰求魔鏡解答嗎
If I ask who will love me, can the magic mirror answer me?

 One person's fairy tale
 Don't have to wait for him forever
 Even there's no love, don't you need to live your life?
 無緣騎上白馬 會自行歸家%
 Even can't ride with prince charming, You can walk by yourself.

*苦戀不一定是浪漫 不必欺騙人
 Unrequited love is not romantic, don't fool yourself
 孤單不一定是寂寞 掛少一個人*
 Alone doesn't mean lonely, because you don't have to miss anyone
花一生追逐動地驚天 真的太苦心
Spent a whole life waiting for that perfect love is just too tiring
You still have to live your life even without a loving prince.

#一開始總是幸運地 識到這個人
 Beginning of the story is always about meeting that someone by chance
 到結尾總是順利地 安穩過一生
 And in the end, it's always happily ever after
 But in reality, no one lives such a perfect life
 如若童話永不變真 給趕出
 Just like fairy tales never come true: I got kick out of the gingerbread house,
 擠不上南瓜車 揭開了紅帽子#
 I couldn't ride in the pumpkin carriage, someone unveil the one behind the red riding hook,
and no one is willing to kiss the sleepy beauty

還未到我試 球鞋亦著住吧
If it's not my turn to try the glass shoe yet, I can still wear my old sneakers
仍然沒艷遇 木偶都抱住吧
If I haven't have a close encounter, I can grab a puppet to hold on to
我暫時還沒有急切到 求其找隻青蛙吻吧
However, I'm not that desperate to just randomly find a frog to kiss

無論龜與兔 能全部到達吧
No matter if it's a tortoise or a rabbit, they both can reach their destination eventually.
巫婆日夜煉 煉製出快樂吧
The good witch always trying to make a potion of happiness.
遊無論置身那裡 隨時可以出發嗎
You can fall into daydreams anytime anywhere

Repeat %

Repeat *
After listening to so many tales I realize I shouldn't be so naive.
You still have to live your life even without a loving prince.

Repeat #
You are not losing yet so don't get upset.