23 條關於 “希望大家玩得開心滿足” 的評論

  1. i cannot view the answers… it said the post is protected even though i’ve entered the password =( can you please send the answers and youtube links to me? thank you!

  2. Hi…it’s nice to meet you. I like the adv test…and I had read your profile…u seems a interesting person…mine be a fd with ?

  3. Hi…it’s nice to meet you here and I like the Adv test. I had read your profile…u seems an interesting person. Do mind be a fd with ?

  4. 大雄, 你呢期超紅! 今日連我公司email都有你條link.這是絕沒僅有的!

  5. @風信子, 呢排真係多左好多人丫﹗


  6. hi there,

    I also got to know your blog because of the ad test! Is it designed by you? Its fun and “educative”;)

    It becomes my habbit to visit your blog now!

  7. “順帶一提﹐恭喜妳﹐妳是我第一萬個留言的人﹗:)”

    :O… 咁, 係咪有獎架兼夾道歡迎??? 點解唔覺有人架?

  8. 不客氣~
    昨天起得早, 一看到網上版蘋果的標題就知在講你(雖然那時我仍未玩那個test),
    所以當然要e-mail 你啦~ :)

  9. 我起企鵝個blog, 見到你個問卷調查, 我又起我個BLOG度引用咗你條LINK.希望你唔介意.THANKS!
