7 條關於 “辦公室遊戲之十五:【オシダマ プラス】” 的評論

  1. is this my set up or yours? everytime when I click on the game link from your page, it will bring me to the same browser window from your page instead of opening a new browser window. So everytime I have to click ‘back’ to read ur blog again…do u think u want to change the setting??

  2. @Darbicat, oh! That’s my fault. I will make sure it opens a new window next time.

    PS: but then, I don’t expect people to come back to my site. :)

  3. Hehee…if the game isn’t funny, we can still come back to complain ma~ or leave comments like this –> this game is easy but hard~! :p
